Contact Hannah Priest your local Medfin Relationship Manager

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Hannah Priest

Relationship Manager in Melbourne

Hannah comes with a strong history in banking and finance for over 8 years. Her career starting started in NAB within mortgages, as she made her way through her career progression to Medfin.


Historically, Hannah has managed to spent time working with both local and global companies which has broadened her perspective and enriched her approach to client relationships adding to the valuable skillset she brings.


She loves working directly with clients to understand their unique needs and helping bring their plans to life. Working in the medical space has been the most rewarding for Hannah as it’s constantly innovating and there’s always something new to learn.

Hannah says “ I’m committed to an exceptional customer experience and making sure the process is as smooth as possible from start to finish”.


In her spare time when she’s not at work, you can find Hannah travelling with friends and family, watching AFL and spending time in nature.